Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ice Gulch hike

I hiked south on the AT today to Ice Gulch and Tom Leonard Shelter to see how deep the snow was and to get a feel for a future camp out with the Boy Scouts.  The temps were in the low 30's with snow squalls on the ride up.  The hiker parking area was not plowed, which I had suspected would be the case.  The snow is still fairly deep in the forest, about 2 feet.  The trail was broken sometime in the past and the snow was packed but narrow and my snowshoes would sink into the soft snow on the edges often.  It made it difficult to get a rhythm going.

The hike in was slow going but I eventually arrived at the shelter for a much needed breather.  I sat and had some water and relaxed.  It was very peaceful with the sounds of the forest all around.  The family of ravens that was there last spring returned and flew around above the gulch.  Their vocalizations are pretty cool to listen to.  I wonder what they are saying?
Looking down into Ice Gulch

View from Tom Leonard Shelter
The area around the shelter is buried in snow as well.  Anywhere that is unbroken snow is soft and deep.  It will be awhile before anyone sees the ground there or the streams near the shelter.  Plenty of snow to melt for water though.  

After taking in the view, I hiked back to the car.  The sun made an appearance on the way out and the hiking was a little easier.  This is one of my favorite spots to camp on the AT.  The view is wonderful and the shelter is in good shape.  The whole area around the shelter and Ice Gulch is beautiful.  I need to make a point to go in warm weather and see everything without snow.
Sunshine on the way out

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