Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jug End to the Housatonic River

I went with the Boy Scouts today on a short section hike.  We hiked from Jug End Rd. to the Housatonic River and back.  It was about 10 miles out and back.  The day started and ended with clouds, the sun did break through around mid-day.  Temps were in the low 30's to low 40's with about 4-6" of snow on the ground.  This section of trail is mostly flat, winding through mixed forest, farm fields, and swampy areas.  Over all it was a fairly easy hike today.  We stopped along the river and ate lunch before turning back and heading for the cars.

 The snow made the landscape much different than it normally would be.  The bridges and board walks were covered and sometimes tough to see.  There were also quite a few small trees and bushes that were bent over and blocking the trail with the weight of the snow on them.  It also made for some fantastic views along the fields and looking toward the mountains in the distance.

 I've been wanting to hike past the Shays Rebellion site for awhile now and it was nice to finally be there.  As I hike through many of these New England areas I think of all the history here.  What it must have been like to live back in those times. It is very interesting.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Falls Village to Salisbury,CT

It was pretty cold this morning with temps hovering in the mid 20's as I drove to the  Route 41 parking area in Salisbury.  My wife had agreed to shuttle me down to Falls Village to hike this section.  I started hiking across the steel bridge at 9:45am with bright sunshine and still chilly temps. I warmed up quickly as I followed the river up toward Great Falls.

Once past the falls the trail climbs through hardwood forest and farm fields to the summit of Prospect Mountain.  There was still some snow on the ground in spots from earlier in the week and as I went up in elevation it covered most of the ground and trail as well.  The crunching of my steps from the snow, ice and leaves sounded quite loud as I hiked along.  There is a lookout on Prospect Mountain with views to the North looking out over the Housatonic River.

It was an easy descent to the Limestone Spring Shelter trail, which I had anticipated stopping at to cook lunch, but it was only 10am and I was feeling great and cruising along so I decided to continue on.  Rands View comes up quickly after that.  I had heard that this is one of the best views along the A.T. and have to agree.  It was thrilling to look at the ridgeline that I had hiked three weeks ago.  The view was memorable.
Bear Mt with Mt Everett and Race beyond

Mt Everett and Race

Bear Mt

The trail meanders around more farm fields and through forest to the Giants Thumb, a strange rock outcrop by the side of the trail.  Then its on to Billy's View and more meandering through hardwood forest.  The trail has a steep descent down from Wetauwanchu Mountain to Route 44.  Then it is a short road walk.  Once you turn back off the road the trail crosses a field and reenters forest, winding its way around private property to Route 41 and the parking lot.  I was at my car at 11:49am, hiking just over 8 miles in three hours.  It was a cold morning, but it felt great to be outside and on the trail.

Giants Thumb

Giants Thumb

Billy's View

shadows and light