Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hoyt Rd to Route 341 Kent

This past Sunday, I finished the Connecticut Section of the AT by completing the 11 or so miles from Hoyt Rd. to Route 341 in Kent.  There were three of us hiking, Kate and Mackenzie came along to see the views and see me finish my first state.  It was a cold morning, temps were in the mid twenties, as we drove to Kent and left one car at the Rte 341 parking area, then driving to the Hoyt Rd. parking area just over the line into New York.

We climbed up and over the 1000ft Ten Mile Hill through mixed hardwoods and rocky outcrops.  Even though the sun was out it was still cold and the breeze kept us adding and taking off layers as we went.

We stopped at the Ten Mile River shelter and had a snack and enjoyed sitting in the sun.  The shelter is in nice shape, with a well and privy nearby.  We didn't need water so I can't say if the well works or not.  There is a field that stretches out in front of the shelter to the east which must make for some nice sunrises for those that stay the night there.  After signing the register we continued on.

Ten Mile River shelter

From the shelter it's a quick walk to the bridge crossing the Ten Mile River and the trail follows along the Housatonic River for awhile.  There is a short road walk along a dirt road and then back into the forest which leads to Bulls Bridge road.  After another short road walk the trail climbs up through Oak trees and large boulders to the top of Schaghticote Mountain with views to the south.  The trail turns south for a short while and crosses back into New York along this stretch.

We stopped and ate lunch at the lookout  before heading north again.  The trail follows the western side of the ridge with views into New York until finally crossing back over the top into Connecticut. This section is fairly flat with a few rolling hills, but it is easy to get a good pace going.  Once we were back on the Connecticut side, we had some ridge walking with views down over the Housatonic River.  The afternoon was wearing on and we continued to push, although our pace was slowing down.  The trail goes down to cross a stream and then back up a few times.  The temps were starting to fall and the rocks in the streams were coated with ice.  This made for some interesting crossings. 

After crossing Thayer Brook, the last one for us this day, we climbed up and over Mt. Algo.  By this time it was getting late and we didn't want to have to hike out in the dark so we bypassed the Mt. Algo shelter and made our way to the car.  We got out just as the light faded.  It had taken a little longer then expected to hike but was well worth the effort.  It is also a nice feeling to have completed my first state on the AT.  I'll continue my day hikes and 2-3 day backpacking trips to finish up the closer states and will hopefully be able to schedule a longer trip farther from home.