Sunday, September 6, 2015

An overnight on the AT

I wanted to get back out for an overnight with my wife and since we both had the same days off this weekend it seemed like a good time to go.  It has been quite awhile since we have hiked or camped together.  The weather was predicted to be beautiful so we packed our packs for a night in the woods. I didn't plan a long hike as we didn't have a lot of time, so I decided to head back to one of my favorite spots on the AT, Tom Leonard Shelter and Ice Gulch.  We arrived at the trailhead around 6pm and made good time to the shelter.  I was hoping that the tent platform would be free for us and luckily it was.  After dinner we set up the tent and did the few camp chores that were needed.

Now it was time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of the forest.  The platform afforded us a great view looking south toward East Canaan, CT and the hills in that area.
There were some dragonflies flitting around and some small forest birds hopping on the rocks around our tent, probably hoping for a crumb or two.  As the light faded the Katydids were singing their tune, which always makes me think of the end of summer and the start of fall.  Once it got dark we got in the tent and were asleep early. It was a cool night and the stars were out along with a crescent moon.  We awoke with the light and packed our gear and were back on the trail by 7:30am.
 We chatted with the hikers that had stayed in the shelter, talking about water and how things were going.  Two of the hikers were the SOBO thru hikers I had met early in the week at the Mark Noepel Shelter.  They both looked to be in good spirits and were making good time on their journey south.  I never got their names but I wish them all the luck and good fortune on their journey.

It was then a short hike out to the car and off to get some coffee and breakfast.  I enjoyed this short trip, it was nice to have my wife along, and it helped to restore my spirits after the tough time I had earlier in the week.

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