Sunday, January 25, 2015

Round Mt., Mt Frissell and Brace Mt.

The day started out as planned.  We left just after the sun was up and arrived at the trailhead about 8:30am.  Today there were four in our group.  We planned to hike up to Brace Mt. from the southern trailhead of the South Taconic Trail.  It had snowed the day before and there was about 3" of fresh snow on the trail covering ice.  We had our spikes and started out making first tracks.  The going was fairly flat for a while then the trail goes up very steeply.  This is where we started to rethink our plans.  The trail is very steep and rugged at this point and covered in thick ice.  We made it a little over half way up before we decided that it would be best to turn around.  It may have been possible to make it all the way to the top but it would have been very difficult to go back down that way.  We chose to play it safe and go back.

Snow covered ice on a steep slope
This was not the end though.  We were not going to give up on hiking today.  We drove around to the other side and climbed up the Frissell Mt trail from Mount Washington Rd. on the MA/CT line. Attacking these mountains from the east proved to be a much better plan.  There was still some ice covered spots and steeper climbs that were tricky but it was much easier today to approach from this direction.  The trail leaves the road and winds through some hardwood forest and Mountain Laurel and is fairly flat for a little while.  It then climbs up Round Mt which offers nice views all around.

Looking toward Bear Mt.
After we reached the summit of Round Mt. (2296ft) the trail goes down a little before climbing Mt Frissell (2454ft). There is a register at the summit.  After signing the register we made our way down the south slope to the highest point in Connecticut.  There was a register there as well which we signed then moved on. Descending Mt. Frissell is not to steep and the trail again runs through laurel and hardwoods.

The trail passed by the tri-state marker after levelling out from Mt Frissell.  About .5 miles later the trail intersects with the South Taconic Trail.  Turning south it is then .4 miles to the summit of Brace Mt., (2311ft) the highest point in Dutchess County, NY.  Brace Mt. offers great views to the west with the Catskills in the distance.  

After a quick lunch on Brace Mt. we hiked back the way we came.  The weather was beautiful, with sunny skies and temps in the 30's.  The challenge of hiking in winter on snow covered trail was nice. The lesson of knowing when to turn back was also valuable for all of us.  It was a good hike and a great way to spend a winter day.

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