Thursday, July 27, 2017

Twin and Indian Head Mountains

I went back to the Catskills yesterday for what turned out to be a great hiking day.  The weather was cool in the high 50's when I left home with clear blue sky's.  I was heading for the Prediger Rd. parking area and planned to hike the Jimmy Dolan trail to connect with the Devil's Path and on to the summit of Twin Mountain.  I encountered some thick fog in places along my route to the trailhead but when I got to Prediger Rd. the sky was clear.  I began hiking at about 9:45am.

I hiked the Jimmy Dolan trail to the notch which was wet, rocky with lots of roots. The trail is well traveled and easy to follow, with good blazing. It starts out fairly flat with a mild grade for the first 1.5 miles or so, then the climbing begins.  It is pretty steep, gaining elevation quickly.  
 Soon enough you are at the notch and connecting with the Devil's Path.  A right turn will take you to Twin Mtn. and beyond, a left to the summit of Indian Head Mtn. and beyond.  There is also a short unmarked trail straight ahead that leads to a nice view.  I went straight and took it all in for a few minuets before taking the right turn and heading to Twin Mtn.

The Devil's Path is challenging and steep in places but I enjoyed the climb and was soon at the top where the trail flattens out and becomes a joy to hike along.  There are a few wonderful lookouts along the way to the summit of Twin and I stopped and enjoyed all of them.  The morning was beautiful with a few puffy clouds, a nice breeze, and low humidity.  It couldn't have been better!

After soaking in the sun and views, I turned around and headed back toward Jimmy Dolan notch.  I was feeling good and it was such I nice day I decided to hike up Indian Head Mtn. I continued on the Devil's Path, once again climbing a moderately steep section to reach the summit.  There is not much of a view on the summit of Indian Head Mtn. and I hiked up and over, before once again turning around and making my way back.  

I was soon back at the car and heading home.  I really enjoyed this hike, it was challenging but very rewarding.  I hiked 8 miles in just under 5 hours. Once again the Catskills are proving to be a great place for hiking and great views.  I will surely be back soon for another adventure. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Hunter Mountain

I got up early and drove to the Catskills.  My plan was to hike Hunter Mountain up the Becker Hollow trail, see some views from the fire tower and then head back the same way.  The trailhead parking was easy to find and I arrived at about 8:30am.

 The trail climbs about 2200ft in about 2 miles.  It is pretty strenuous.  I had the trail to myself and took my time on the way stopping here and there to catch my breath.  The closer you get to the 3500ft line the better the view through the trees.  I think when the leaves are down you would be able to see some nice views.
I made it to the fire tower and had a snack.  I was disappointed to find that the tower was closed for renovations and I couldn't climb it.  Maybe next time I'll be able to.  Since there would be no views I continued on and headed back down.

I reached the car about 12:30pm tired and sweaty.  I hiked about 5+ miles and beat the rain that came through.  I got my 5th 3500 footer as well.  I like the Catskills and will be back to hike again soon.