Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sugarloaf Mountain

I headed back to the Catskills yesterday to climb another 3500’ peak.  I hiked the Sugarloaf loop, taking me over 3810ft Sugarloaf Mountain.  This is my eighth Catskill 35er.  I left home with cloudy skies and wet roads but could see blue sky in the distance and soon the sun was out.  It became a beautiful day with low humidity and temps ranging from the low 50’s in the morning to low 70’s in the afternoon.  I arrived at the Roaring Kill DEC parking area around 9am, and after signing in on the trail register, I was off.  I soon came to the first trail junction and turned left heading to Pecoy Notch. 

The trail climbs slowly but steady and soon comes to a rock quarry where there are a number of “chairs” made out of rocks among other rock creations.  There is a lot of flat rocks to build with and it is a nice open area with a good view of Twin Mountain.  I stopped and had a snack, sitting on one of the chairs. 

Continuing on, the trail soon comes to a beaver swamp with some nice views of both Twin and Sugarloaf Mountains, and wild flowers all around. 

Once I reached Pecoy Notch and came to the trail sign I turned right to climb Sugarloaf.  This becomes part of the Devil’s Path and there are some stretches that are steep and difficult.  I was soon at the top where the trail levels out and is a nice hike over the mountain.

It crosses over the top through Spruce and Fir trees, it smells wonderful and reminds me of Christmas.  Once over the top there is a short spur trail to a lookout.  The view is somewhat obscured by the evergreens growing up around the rock outcropping but still an enjoyable view.
I lingered briefly then continued on making my way down.  There are some steep sections and a lot of rock on the way down. I am glad I chose to go down this side of the mountain as it would be a tough climb up.

Soon I was at the notch in Mink Hollow and heading back toward the car.  The trail levels out from here, with just a few ups and downs.  I was back at the car just before 2pm having hiked about 7 miles.  While the views were good they do not compare to Twin Mountain but I enjoyed the forest and interesting rock formations all along this loop.
Looking at Plateau Mtn.

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