Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Macedonia Brook State Park

It’s been a while since I’ve been out on a good hike and today I went back to a favorite spot.  I was looking for a good loop hike and went back to Macedonia Brook State Park in Kent.  The Macedonia Ridge trail is a nice loop that offers a little of everything, from good views, to rock scrambles, and some gentle trail walking.  I haven’t hiked here in about 4 years and was looking forward to a good hike.  I got a late start and arrived at the parking area at 10am.  It was a beautiful day to hike with low humidity and temps in the 70’s.  I always hike this loop counter clockwise as there is some steep rocky areas that I would rather not have to go down. 

The trail climbs steadily from the road for a bit until you reach the top of the ridge, then it levels out and you can get a nice pace going.  The forest is mostly Oak with a large crop of blueberries all along both sides of the trail.  It looks like this year will have a good amount of berries as I could see a lot of them starting to form.

At just about the 2 mile mark you arrive back at the road and make your way through the states campground.  There is a water source if you need to refill.  I opted to cut out a short section and road walked to where the trail re-enters the woods and starts climbing up the other side of the valley.  This climb leads to Cobble Mtn. and some really nice views to the west.

 After enjoying a water break and some snacks, I continued on, passing some more views, and eventually making my way back to the car.  Total for the day was 5 miles in about 3 hours.