Friday, March 25, 2016

A loop through Nepaug State Forest

I hiked a different section of the Tunxis Trail this past week, picking up where the trail enters Nepaug State Forest.  I parked at the intersection of Satan's Kingdom Rd and Rte 44 and followed the blue blazes for a short road walk until the trail turns off into the woods. After a short stretch of trail the blazes take you along a state forest dirt road.  I walked along for a little over a mile on dirt road, it was disappointing.  I thought the trail would have taken me through more of the forest, but it just followed the road.  When a side trail crossed the road I decided to follow it and make a loop of the days hike.  This side trail is the Shelter 4 Loop trail. I followed this through an area that was logged recently and then along a small stream.  I spooked a family of Wood ducks in a large mud puddle and startled a good number of squirrels that ran and chattered at me as I passed.

Shelter 4 Loop trail
The trail then passed a small pond, which may have been a fire pond at one time.  Fire ponds were dug along roads to help with forest fires back in the 1930's and 40's.  Many were built by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps).  Sitting in the pond was a Red Tail Hawk.  I am not sure what the hawk was doing, taking a bath maybe?  
I stopped and watched to see what he would do. I didn't want to get to close in case the hawk was injured.  So I slowly walked around get a clearer view and the hawk hopped through the water to the bank and walked up and stood for a moment then flew away.  I have never seen anything like it.  I guess I disturbed his bath.  I continued on my way as well and enjoyed the warm weather, even though it was a pretty grey day with lots of clouds.  
Eventually, I was back at the junction with the Tunxis Trail and road walking on the return trip.  I made my way off trail down to the Farmington River and followed a trail (unnamed) along the river back to the car.  This trail does have some yellow blazes along the way and may have been an alternate route for the Tunxis Trail at one time, I do not know.  The trail along the river is technical, with narrow sections along the rocky river bank.  There are some shear drops into the river if you are  not careful.  
Farmington River

Obstacles along the river trail

I made it back to the car without incident and headed to get some lunch.  I would like to hike and explore more of Nepaug State Forest but I was disappointed that the Tunxis Trail stayed on the road. Hopefully the side trails will take me further into the forest.  

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