Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Section hike on the Mohawk Trail


I hiked sections of the Mohawk Trail recently, on sections south of Route 4.  On Opt-out Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, I hiked the Cathedral Pines section up and over Mohawk Mountain and made my way back toward Route 4.  The Cathedral Pines had been devastated by a tornado back in 1989.  The evidence of the tornado is still easily seen by all the downed tree trunks scattered around the trail, slowly rotting into the ground and covered in green moss. The trail climbs from a small parking lot up through what is left of the old Pine and Hemlock trees.  A short road walk brings you to a private driveway where the trail follows an old farm road and climbs through farm field. 

Once up the hill from the farm the scrub forest is starting to take back the land.  It is a steady climb and soon you can see the ski trails of Mohawk Mountain.  After the scrub new growth the trail enters a mature hardwood forest with stonewalls crisscrossing the trail.  At a junction with the Mattituck trail, you turn left and climb up to the top of the ski trail and the chair lifts of the ski area.  There are some nice views to the north looking at the Taconic’s and Berkshires. 

Continuing on the trail crosses a state forest road and back into the forest.  There is a camp site near the road with a shelter and privy.  It is a fairly quick forest walk up and over a hill and back to Route 4.  I then turned around and retraced my steps back to the truck.  It was a nice hike with a good variety of terrain and some good views.  I hiked a total of 4.25 miles.  I finished another section of the Mohawk trail and a first section of the southern portion.

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