Thursday, February 18, 2021

Metacomet Trail and a loop through Penwood


It was cold but sunny yesterday and I decided it was a good day for a winter hike.  I decided to hike a section of the Metacomet trail in Penwood State Park.  After checking out the trail map for the park I was able to make a nice loop, following first the orange trail and then the yellow trail.  I hiked back to my truck on the Blue-blazed Metacomet Trail. 

The orange trailhead is on Wintonbury Rd. in Simsbury and climbs to the midpoint of the ridge.  Once there is stays fairly level the entire way along, with views to the west over the Farmington River valley and the town of Simsbury.  The snow was hard and well packed, so I left the snowshoes in the truck and just used the microspikes.  The Kahtoola's stayed on all day.  The orange trail ends, and I decided to hike the yellow trial, which follows along the midline of the ridge as well.  There were some more nice views to the west. 

Both trails have gentle ups and downs and are fairly easy hiking.  The blazes are sporadic at times and it was a little hard to make sure I stayed on trail.  There are many spots where hikers have made side trails that were well packed and looked like a trail.  There were also spots where the road comes close to the trail and people have made side trials.  I was looking for a connector trail that would take me over the ridge to the Metacomet trail, but I never saw the blaze or a trail in the snow, and soon ended up at the end of the yellow trail at the parking lot for the park. 

A little longer hike than I had thought it would be but a good one all the same.  From the parking lot it was easy to pick up the Metacomet trail and the blazes are much better and easy to follow. 

The trail climbs quickly to the top of the ridge this time and at times there are views to the east, although through the trees.  I came upon three deer trying to find lunch for themselves in the snow and we stared at each other for a few minutes before I moved on and left them to their business. 

Along this section I came upon a few man-made constructions, a pillar of stone with a metal railing around it, and some other in ground structures.  I have no idea what they were used for, but it was interesting to see. 

Along the lake, I found a group of newts all bundled together with a few by themselves under the ice.  They were moving around under the ice; I hope they know winter isn’t over yet. 

From Lake Louise the trial climbs to the Pinnacle, a rocky outcrop with nice views to the west.  This is the tallest point in the park, and I stopped and took some pictures and relaxed in the sun for a bit.  You can spot Heublein Tower from here as well.  The cement footing of a fire tower are just off the peak as well.  The trail continues along the top of the ridge before it descends back to Wintonbuy Rd. 

It was a fun hike, the sun was shining, temps were in the high 20’s, and I was alone in the woods.  I hiked round trip 6 miles and was back to my truck before 2pm.  Another section of the Metacomet trail down, I will keep picking away a section at a time. 

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